Luca Memorial Contest Cash Prize

Nice surprise on January 18, 2025 from the Luca Memorial Contest! I’m among the Awarded Top 50 Authors and I got a Cash Prize of $100. Thank you!

In the awarded photo are my dear friends Sonia Hoffmann, Witold Hoffmann and Corey Hackley at the Sistema Cheve 2024 expedition.

an exhibition celebrating 300 issues of Descent Magazine

One of my photos of Cheve cave got included in a very special exhibition put together by the Descent Magazine (UK), together with work of Helen Nightingale, Chris Howes, Bartek Biela, Martyn Farr, Mark Burkey, Bill Nix and Dave Watts.

The description says:

The world beneath the surface is one of great variety, home to stunning formations, unique wildlife, meandering passages and vast chambers.

Since its launch in January 1969, Descent: the magazine of underground exploration has become the go-to periodical for cavers and mine explorers not only in the UK but around the world. We have recently published our 300th issue and, as part of the celebrations for this milestone, we want to showcase the work of some of the best underground photographers.

This itinerant exhibition began on 4 December 2024 at No-Hands Rest Coffeehouse in Kendal.

Juror at the Banff Centre Mountain Book and Film Festival

Last week I had an enormous pleasure and honor to be in the Film Competition jury at the Banff Centre Mountain Book and Film Festival 2024, together with Brian Johnson, Joaquin Gomez, Masha Gordon and Shelma Jun.

The Grand Prize went to the Champions of the Golden Valley by Ben Sturgulewski. Bravo!

Go to the Banff festival website to check out the winning films!

Huge congratulations to the winners and a shout-out to all the filmmakers who submitted their films. It was a real pleasure to watch them!

Speleokonfrontacje 2024 Signature Image

One of the photos I took on the Cheve expedition 2023 has been selected as the Speleokonfrontacje 2024 Signature Image. In the photo you can see three members of Team Nacional (of México) in Cheve cave.

Descent Caving Magazine's cover

My photograph of the entrance to Cheve cave in Mexico is on the cover of the 300 issue of Descent Caving Magazine. What an honor!

It's a "wrap around" so it can work as a poster too.

The image was taken back in 2017 during US Deep Caving Team expedition led by Bill Stone. You can read behind the cover story here.

Thank you Gosia Skowron-Suchodolska and Yuri Schwartz for helping me with the shot.

Petzl Underground Session

The legendary Petzl Underground Session at the Kendal Mountain Festival on Friday evening was sold out days in advance. The event was hosted by wonderful Steph Dwyer and included outstanding presentations by Imogen Furlong, Matt Ewles&Frank Pearson and Tom McNally. I had a big pleasure to give a talk about Cheve cave in southern Mexico – I have been involved in its exploration for more than 20 years. Thank you Petzl and Descent Caving Magazine for supporting the event and the KMF's audience for your presence and nice comments on my talk. It all meant a lot to me.

More about the session at the festival’s website.

Presenting and Judging at Kendal Mountain Festival

Exiciting! I’ll be giving a talk at the Petzl Underground Session about the exploration of Cheve. Also I’m on the jury for the Film Competition. It will be a few very intense and challenging days. Looking forward to it!

Sobre las cuevas en Madrid / Talking about caves in Madrid. 

El viernes 26 de abril se celebró La Noche de los Libros y el Instituto Polaco de Cultura en colaboración con la Librería Desnivel en Madrid y la Editorial Maeva, invitó a los más pequeños a un taller realizado por la espeleóloga polaca Kasia Biernacka en torno al maravilloso libro infantil "Debajo de la tierra. Debajo del agua" de los autores Aleksandra Mizielinska y Daniel Mizielinski (Maeva editorial), premiado como mejor libro europeo del año 2017.

Encontrarás algunas fotos del evento aqui.


A story about Bill Stone in Culture Trip with my cave photos

Culture Trip published recently an article about the leader of our caving expeditions to Mexico with several photos I took last spring during our exploration of Cueva de la Pena Negra / Sistema Cheve. It’s called „Into the Unknown: Caver, Inventor and 21st-Century Frontiersman Bill Stone” and you can read it here.
