USDCT cave exploration project in Sistema Cheve, Mexico

Kasia participated in the United States Deep Caving Team’s expeditions to Sistema Cheve in 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2023 and 2024.


Photos of 2024 expedition to Sistema Cheve

Gallery is here

Photos of 2023 expedition to Sistema Cheve

Gallery is here


film by national geographic – “The deepest cave”

Film on Disney+

Descending into one of the deepest caves on Earth - NG Magazine article

Forbes article

Tak się eksploruje Cheve, jedną z najgłębszych jaskiń na świecie - Crazy Nauka artykuł


Photos of 2021 expedition to Sistema Cheve

Gallery is here.


Photos of 2019 expedition to Sistema Cheve

Gallery 1 on facebook is here

Gallery 2 on facebook is here


Photos of 2018 expedition to Sistema Cheve

In Cueva de la Peña Negra - fb gallery 1 and fb gallery 2

Portraits of cavers - fb gallery


Photos of 2017 expedition to Cueva Cheve

In the Cave - fb gallery

Portraits of cavers - fb gallery

In the Basecamp - fb gallery

Ridgewalking - fb gallery

More photos - fb gallery


US Deep Caving Team - website

Polish participation in the project - facebook page

Sistema Cheve & J2, 2001 - 2013 - photos 


In the media

Phil Short's story in X-ray Mag about 2013 expedition

The New Yorker 'In Deep. The dark and dangerous world of extreme cavers' - story by Burkhard Bilger

Deep Cave Explorations - videos from 2009 expedition and a commentary by Burkhard Bilger / New Yorker

A 'Blind Descent' Into The Deepest Caves On Earth - interview with James Tabor on NPR about his new book

Pat Kambesis on the Huautla 94 expedition


film by discovery channel – “The cave”

'The Cave' - Room 608 production for Discovery Channel. Kasia was one of the underground cinematographers for the film. Watch the trailer: